On the occasion of the Feast of St Anthony the Abbot, a ceremonial ceremony is held, which is linked to the set of so-called tree rituals in which a large number of pairs of oxen are used to assist the men in the ritual transport of the fir tree trunk, which will be raised on the Saint’s day, 13 June, to celebrate devotion, but also referring – as in many other tree rituals – to the rebirth of nature and its fertilisation. The ceremonial transport of the trunk is accompanied by music and dancing in a highly convivial atmosphere.




On the occasion of the Feast of St Anthony the Abbot, a ceremonial ceremony is held, which is linked to the set of so-called tree rituals in which a large number of pairs of oxen are used to assist the men in the ritual transport of the fir tree trunk, which will be raised on the Saint’s day, 13 June, to celebrate devotion, but also referring – as in many other tree rituals – to the rebirth of nature and its fertilisation. The ceremonial transport of the trunk is accompanied by music and dancing in a highly convivial atmosphere.